Searching for Management on Biotechgate

The Management category of the Biotechgate database contains over 320,000 details of key management figures and decision-makers from a wide range of company types across the life science spectrum. Discover how you can identify the management you want to get in contact with to aid your business development.

Once you visit the Management section, you will see various criteria that you can select from. These include their position, asset specialization and specific therapeutic areas that their organization focuses on.

In this example, we will search for Business Development executives and CEOs located in the USA whose companies focus on cell therapy to combat cancer. First, the geographical location and our desired positions are chosen, as demonstrated below.

After this, we will now select both the company sector (Cell therapy) and the specific therapeutic area.

Select “Search” and you will be brought to the results page. If you wish to adjust your criteria simply choose “Refine search” on the top right of the page to make any changes. Search results can also be downloaded as an Excel file for further analysis. As well, you can have the results displayed as individuals, companies, or on an interactive map thanks to the tabs on top of the screen.

When you click on an individual’s name you will be brought to a page listing the company’s management. Here, some listings have their company email made available as well as their LinkedIn profile to give you a means of directly contacting them.

Clicking the star icon beside their name will save the individual to your Bookmarks where you can collate all the management figures in the Biotechgate database that interest you.

Your bookmarks can be accessed at the top of the page where they are organized by category. Like search results, bookmarks also share the option of being downloaded as an Excel file.