Companies and Investors Interested in Orphan Drugs

Orphan drugs can be found in any part of the Biotechgate database. You can search for orphan drug companies, assets, licensing opportunities and even for investors that are interested in orphan drug companies.

Finding Orphan Drug Assets

To identify companies that are active in the area of orphan drugs, login to your Biotechgate account, click on the ‘Assets’ tab on the left and scroll towards the bottom of the page. You will see a checkbox entitled ‘Orphan drug’.

Tick this box, add any additional criteria if necessary and click ‘search’. All orphan drug therapeutics in our database will be displayed. You then have the option to show orphan drug related companies and view their locations on a map.

Orphan Drug Licensing Agreements

To view orphan drug-related licensing deals, click ‘License Agreements’ on your Biotechgate homepage. Similarly to the previous example, tick the checkbox ‘Orphan status’ and add any additional criteria to help refine your search. A list of results will then be shown, which you can download as an Excel file.

Looking for Orphan Drug Investors?

If you are looking for investors with an interest in companies providing orphan drugs, have a look at our Investor Database. Login to Biotechgate and click on ‘Investors’ on the left-hand side. You can either perform a text search for “orphan”, or you can tick the checkbox ‘Orphan interest?’ and click ‘search’ to generate a list of potential investors.

It is also possible to search for orphan drugs through our advanced text search feature in any section of Biotechgate. For more information regarding advanced text searching, view its dedicated article.

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